In Progress

“Creative Rewritings of Early Texts,” Caribbean Literature In Transition, Cambridge University Press, 2019, under contract.

 “After the Beginning Ends: Contemporary African Diaspora Literature and Iconoclasm,” book manuscript, in progress. 



“Russell Banks’ Global Gilded Age,” Symposium on American Literary History and Economics in the New Gilded Age, Elmira, New York, October 2018. 


“Helen Oyeyemi and the Eschewal of Predictability in Contemporary African Diasporic  Fiction,” panel: Spells for the New Resistance. ASAP9, Oakland, October 2017.

“Immigration and Finance in Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing and Imbolo Mbue’s Behold the Dreamers,” panel: Race and Economics. ASAP9, Oakland, October 2017. 

(Session organizer) “Fanon in the Present,” Roundtable: Modern Languages Association Convention, Philadelphia, January 2017. 


“Helen Oyeyemi and The Unreal Real,” Post45 Conference, Montreal, Canada, November 2016. 

“The New Pirates of the Caribbean,” 41st Annual Caribbean Studies Association Conference, Port Au Prince Haiti, May 2016.


“Imagine Nation, Imagine Self Actualization,” panel: Global Sites of Neoliberalism. 130th Modern Language Association Convention, Vancouver, BC, January 2015.


(Session chair and organizer) “Theorizing the Present in Caribbean Literature,” panel: Plurality and the Literary Present. 39th Annual Caribbean Studies Association Conference, Merida Mexico, May 2014.

(Seminar organizer) “Kingston: Capital of the Twenty-first Century,” seminar, “Capitals Without Nations,” Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, New York University, March 2014.


“‘Every negro walk in a circle’: Defining the Fourth Wave of Caribbean Literature,” seminar, “Positioning the Global Contemporary.” Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, University of Toronto, April 2013.


“‘Who more sci-fi than us?’: Apocalypse as Genre in Junot Díaz’s The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao,” panel: Lifting the “Banana Curtain”: Intersections of Global Writing. 31st Annual West Indian Literature Conference, University of Miami, October 2012.

(Session chair) Panel: Questions of Literary and National (Be)longing. 31st Annual West Indian Literature Conference, University of Miami, October 2012.

(Invited lecture) “‘Through the Spaces Between the Leaves’: Plural Subjectivity and Problems of Sovereignty in Twenty-First Century Caribbean Literature.” Westminster College, February 2012.

“‘Through the Spaces Between the Leaves’: Plural Subjectivity and Problems of Sovereignty in Twenty-First Century Caribbean Literature,” panel: “Narrating Sovereignty.” International Conference on Narrative, Las Vegas, March 2012.


(Session chair) Panel: Gender, Sexuality, and Performance in Caribbean Popular Fiction, The Present Future of Caribbean Literary and Cultural Studies: A Symposium in Honor of Sandra Paquet, Professor Emerita of English, University of Miami, March 2011.

(Discussant) “The Harder they Come,” We Watch Film Series. Black History Month Conference. University of Missouri, February 2011.


(Invited lecture) “Postcolonial Ménages à Trois: Sex and Subjectivity in Contemporary Caribbean Women's Writing,” English Department Colloquium Series, University of Missouri-Columbia, May 2010.

“‘I am not a violent man’: Torturers and the Tortured in Edwidge Danticat’s The Dew Breaker,” panel: “Contemporary U.S. Fiction and the Globe.” International Society for the Study of Narrative, Cleveland, April 2010.

“Oonya Kempadoo’s Tide Running and the Motif of Ménage à Trios,” panel: “Intersecting Geographies of Identity: Sexing the Subject and the Nation State.” The 5th Biennial Conference of Caribbean Literary Studies, the University of Miami, March 2010.